Anti- Bullying Policy






“Understanding what bullying is and how it affects students allows us to be better equipped to effectively stop bullying behaviours”

(Finger, Craven, Parada & Young, 2007)

Howard Primary School aims to provide a working, caring and happy environment in which the potential of every child can be realised.

We wish to promote in all our pupils such values as will make them caring, responsible citizens.

We believe in the dignity and worth of each individual and in the development of the whole person.

All members of staff share these values and work to ensure a pupil-centred approach in which caring is a shared responsibility of all staff.

These values underpin and shape all our school policies.

We acknowledge that: - “Children have the right to be protected from all forms of violence (physical and mental). They must be kept from harm and they must be given proper care by those looking after them” (Article 19 United nations Convention on the rights of the Child, 1992).




This policy has been developed consistent with:


Northern Ireland Anti-Bullying Forum - Guidance Document: Effective Responses to Bullying Behaviour 2012.


The Education and Libraries (Northern Ireland) Order 2003.




We have also taken into account specific articles of the Legislation referring to the welfare and protection of pupils:-:








‘Pastoral Care in Schools: Promoting Positive Behaviour’ (2001)


‘Pastoral Care in Schools: Child Protection’ 2017/04


The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (1992)

  1. Article 12 - the right to express views and have these taken seriously
  2. Article 19 - the right to protection- including bullying

Rigby, Ken, New perspectives on Bullying 2002

Links between this policy and other school policies


This anti-bullying policy forms part of the school's overall Pastoral Care policy and reflects our Mission Statement.

Our duty to safeguard and promote the welfare of pupils is addressed through school policies such as Positive Behaviour Policy, Pastoral Care: Child Protection and Acceptable Use of the Internet Policy.

This policy also links with the Child Protection/Safeguarding policy in which the school outlines the steps it will take to protect children from harm and develop their personal safety strategies.

Very rarely, in extreme situations, bullying behaviour and its impact on pupils may cause such ‘significant harm’ that a referral to the Social Services Trust Safeguarding Team is necessary and this will be progressed following the normal Child Protection/safeguarding procedures.

It links with the Positive Behaviour policy in which the school outlines the types of behaviour which are considered appropriate and inappropriate, together with the sanctions which will be used as part of the disciplinary process.

It will also link with policies such as Special Needs and Health and Safety.



Our school is a community, made up of different people each of whom has a particular entitlement. The principles and values that Howard Primary School holds are:-


The 2003 Statutory Requirements (Education & Libraries NI Order requires schools to “encouraging good behaviour and respect for others” and in particular prevent all forms of bullying.

The Process of Participation and Consultation



Under legislation The Board of Governors and Principal are required to consult with pupils, parents and staff regarding Positive Behaviour and bullying prevention measures which must be in place. We have met this requirement through the following ways;

(May 2017)


Definition of Bullying


By definition bullying is behaviour that intentionally and persistently causes distress to others.

Northern Ireland Anti-Bullying Forum (NIABF) defines bullying as:

“The repeated use of power by one or more people intentionally to harm, hurt or adversely affect the rights and needs of another or others” NIABF (2005)

The Department of Education defines bullying as:

Deliberately hurtful behaviour, repeated over a period of time, where it is difficult for the victim to defend him/herself.” ‘Pastoral Care in Schools: Promoting Positive Behaviour.’

Examples of bullying behaviour may include:

Signs of stress in pupils which may indicate Bullying

(N.B. whilst these behaviours may be symptomatic of other problems – bullying may be one reason)

Strategies to Prevent or Reduce Bullying

Howard Primary School has established and will maintain the following strategies to prevent and reduce bullying behaviour.

Proactive Strategies to ensure awareness is raised.

Reactive Strategies


The following steps will be taken when dealing with incidents:


Procedures for Dealing with Incidents of Bullying


Each case of bullying will be dealt with individually and follow up action will be tailored to meet the needs of the individual pupils involved.

The 2003 Statutory Requirements (Education & Libraries NI Order) requires schools to “encourage good behaviour and respect for others” and in particular prevent all forms of bullying.

When dealing with bullying behaviour the school will aim to:

  1. Stop the bullying behaviour.
  2. Protect and support the child who has been bullied.
  3. Change the attitude and behaviour of the child against whom the accusation has been made.

Every child can make mistakes and can behave in ways that are hurtful to others. In most cases a quiet word and an explanation of how others feel is sufficient to make a difference. Children can and do learn over time how to care for themselves and for others. We believe that learning from mistakes and being genuinely sorry for them is part of growing up to be a socially well-adjusted person. We believe much can be achieved by talking with all involved to achieve a resolution and reconciliation. In some cases, however, talking things through will not make enough of a difference and in these cases we reserve the right to apply a range of sanctions.

In Howard Primary School if any type of bullying is highlighted, the following strategies will be implemented by staff in two stages;



All staff will:

A follow-up meeting/discussion will be held to monitor and to assess whether the solution has been effective or not



If the problem is not resolved staff will:

This plan and appropriate interventions will be planned making reference to the School’s Positive Behaviour Policy and NIABF Interventions Framework and Guidance Document: Effective Responses to Bullying Behaviour 2012.


Reviewing the Situation


The situation will be monitored and reviewed within one month of the initial report. This will be carried out by the Principal/ Vice Principal or Designated Teacher.

If the matter is satisfactorily resolved, file details of the incident.

Further Action should will be taken and to continue to monitor and review until resolved.



Individual Responsibilities

All members of the school community have a key role in promoting, implementing and supporting the Anti-Bullying policy of Howard Primary School. It is important that there is a collaborative whole school approach to address any difficulties which may be encountered. Everyone should work together to create a safe, happy and anti-bullying environment.

Responsibilities of all Stakeholders


The Responsibilities of Staff


Our staff will

The Responsibilities of Pupils

We expect our pupils to:

Anyone who becomes the target of bullies should:

The Responsibilities of Parents

We ask our parents to support their children and the school by:

All children have equal access to the curriculum regardless of their race, gender, disability or ability. Teachers plan work that is differentiated so that all groups and individuals can achieve their potential and are committed to creating a positive climate that will enable everyone to work free from racial intimidation and harassment


Professional Development of Staff


Mrs Kingston will receive training in appropriate interventions in line with NIABF’s Guidance document: Effective Responses to Bullying Behaviour   November 2017

Staff received training in appropriate interventions in line with NIABF’s Guidance document: Effective Responses to Bullying Behaviour Autumn Term 2017



This policy was formulated by the Pastoral care co-ordinator in consultation with school Governors, staff, pupils and parents. It will be reviewed every 2 years and/or following any incident requiring intervention at Level 3 or above, to assess its suitability in responding and that it is “fit for purpose.”

We will collect data and maintain/review records to monitor and evaluate effectiveness of policy and intervention strategies.


School will make a copy of this policy available to all parents or A copy will be placed on the school’s website.

Signed: _________________________                 Date: __________________


Signed: ____________________________           Date: __________________                                

Chair of the Board of Governors

















Reviewed by staff:     30th September 2017

Parental Consultation: September 2017


: Adopted by Board of Governors 5th October 2017
















Department of Education                    

Northern Ireland Anti Bullying Forum

Childline NI                                            Tel 0800 1111

NSPCC (FullStop) campaign                                                                            Tel 0808 800 5000



Bullying Concern Assessment Form


PART 1 - Assessment of Concern

Our School’s Definition of Bullying is


The Department of Education defines bullying as:

Deliberately hurtful behaviour, repeated over a period of time, where it is difficult for the victim to defend him/herself.” ‘Pastoral Care in Schools: Promoting Positive Behaviour.’






& Year Group

(if Pupil)

Person(s) reporting concern


M / F




Other(s) involved in incident/concern


Does the behaviour involve?

 Individual to individual 1:1

 Individual to Group

 Group to individual



Type of incident and Theme (if applicable):

q    Physical bullying (includes jostling, physical intimidation, interfering with personal property, punching/kicking, any other physical contact which may include use of weapons)

q    Verbal bullying (includes name calling, insults, jokes, threats, spreading rumours)

q    Indirect bullying (includes isolation, refusal to work with/talk to/play with/help others)

q    Cyber (through technology such as mobile phones and internet)

q    Disability (related to perceived or actual disability)

q    Homophobic (related to perceived or actual sexual orientation)

q    Racist (related to skin colour, culture and religion)

q    Sectarian (related to religious belief and/or political opinion)

q    Other _______________________________________________________________

Outline of incident(s): Attach all written accounts/drawings of incident(s) completed by targeted pupil, witnesses (i.e. other pupils, staff) including date(s) of events, if known, SIMS record.





































Does this incident conform to your school’s agreed definition of bullying? Yes  No

Is there persistence/recurrence of this behaviour?       Yes  No

Is it targeted behaviour                                          Yes  No                                              

Is there a power imbalance?                                  Yes  No

Is it intentionally hurtful behaviour?                        Yes  No                        

Give details of any previous incidents reported

PART 2 – Details of interventions to be implemented in response

Outline action/support to be undertaken with pupil(s) who has been targeted:

(please tick all that apply)             *Refer to Levels Guidance for Interventions


q  Intervention with individual(s) peer group   whole class

q  Ongoing support/monitoring from ________________________________(named staff)

q  Have parent(s) been informed/involved?   Yes      No  (Give details) _____________________________________________________________________


q  Referral to other agencies (please specify) _____________________________________


q  Any other details   (please specify) _____________________________________________________________________

Outline action/support to be undertaken with pupil(s) who has been displaying bullying behaviour: (please tick all that apply) * Refer to Level 1-4 Interventions Resource

q  Intervention re bullying concern with individual(s) peer group   whole class


q  Ongoing support/monitoring from _______________________________ (named staff)

q  Have parent(s) been informed/involved?   Yes      No  (Give details) _____________________________________________________________________


q  Referral to other agencies (please specify) _____________________________________

q  Any other action (please specify) _____________________________________________________________________

q  Suspension

q  Expulsion

PART 3 - Status of Concern


This record is now:

q  Filed (Interventions complete, issue resolved, record maintained)

Further intervention/ Required

q  Copied to Class Teacher/Group Tutor

q  Passed to Head of Pastoral

q  Copied to Principal

q  Referred to external agency, please state:______________________________

Name and designation of the teacher completing this form:


Signed:     ___________________________________     Date:


PART 4 - Ongoing record of support and interventions         PAGE

                         (Refer to Levels Guidance for interventions )


Details of Intervention

Action Required

Action Taken

     (Dated and signed)


Name and designation of the teacher completing this form:


Signed:   ___________________________________   Date: