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Howard Primary School & Nursery Unit, Dungannon

World Book Day at Howard PS

26th Feb 2017

Charlie and the Chocolate Factory was a very popular book for costume ideas
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory was a very popular book for costume ideas
Chocolate Party guets enjoying refreshments!
Chocolate Party guets enjoying refreshments!
Competition winners for the best book covers at HPS Book Day Celebrations
Competition winners for the best book covers at HPS Book Day Celebrations
Dress Up Day winners at HPS Book Day
Dress Up Day winners at HPS Book Day
P1 pupils from Mrs Burrows- class  at HPS
P1 pupils from Mrs Burrows- class at HPS
Pupils who were winners of tickets to attend the Hot Chocolate Party on Friday afternoon in HPS.
Pupils who were winners of tickets to attend the Hot Chocolate Party on Friday afternoon in HPS.
Teachers and Classroom Assistants who dressed up for World book Day at HPS.
Teachers and Classroom Assistants who dressed up for World book Day at HPS.