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Howard Primary School & Nursery Unit, Dungannon


2019/2020 School Year

5th May 2020
Hello children,  Thank you for sending me your photographs. I hope you enjoy...
5th May 2020
Great to see so many of you are working hard at your home learning activities and...
5th May 2020
Rebekah and Carla both have their numbers rock painting done๐Ÿ‘ Mine is outside...
5th May 2020
 Please use the following link to get in touch with the Music Service. ...
5th May 2020
Thank you for continuing to send photographs of the children enjoying their daily...
5th May 2020
This link will bring you to a simple story for children to read and understand about...
4th May 2020
Thanks for all the emails, Purple Mash, Mathletics and photos of your work. It's...
4th May 2020
I hope everyone is keeping safe and well at home. I know that some of you have been...
4th May 2020