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Howard Primary School & Nursery Unit, Dungannon


10th Oct 2024
We made faces using natural materials, went on the trim trail, talked about Take...
10th Oct 2024
We were learning about Face Changing today which is part of Chinese tradition.
10th Oct 2024
Today for World Mental Health Day we explored lots of different emotions! We went...
9th Oct 2024
We have been working on the number before and after within 100 in our Numeracy. 
9th Oct 2024
Miss Sweeney’s P5 was invited to take part in a workshop at South West College....
8th Oct 2024
In groups, we decided how to sort leaves using a Carroll diagram. It was important...
8th Oct 2024
The children collected data on our favourite sweets and chocolate in P4/5 using a...
8th Oct 2024
P4/5 have been focusing on instructional writing during literacy. Today we made...
7th Oct 2024
We collected information from our classmates. We asked each other who had a pet...
4th Oct 2024
P2/3 have lots of fun being creative during indoor and outdoor play. We can plan...