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Howard Primary School & Nursery Unit, Dungannon


2020/2021 School Year

1st Oct 2020
Our star target this week is being kind. Look at all the ways we have been kind...
1st Oct 2020
We investigated the colours, shapes and lines on different leaves outside. It was...
30th Sep 2020
Well done Maisie for excellent listening! ๐ŸŒŸ
30th Sep 2020
Well done Kenny, for keeping your writing so neat!
30th Sep 2020
We had a very busy day in Nursery. Someone left us post in Twiggly Woods but we...
30th Sep 2020
The children have been learning to make sets of 2 and practise their counting each...
30th Sep 2020
30th Sep 2020
We had so much fun learning about Parliament with Fiona and Steven who work for...
29th Sep 2020
Today we went to Twiggly Woods on a mini beast hunt. We had to use the tree diagram...
29th Sep 2020
The children are learning to hold their pencils correctly and follow dots. They...