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Howard Primary School & Nursery Unit, Dungannon


2020/2021 School Year

21st Aug 2020
A letter with updated information is on the parent page - LETTERS
7th Aug 2020
School will re-open on Monday 24th August for P7 pupils. Classes P2- P6 will come...

2019/2020 School Year

6th Jul 2020
Apply online on EA website. Opens on 8th July. If eligible please apply.
1st Jul 2020
P6/7 you have been amazing this year. I am so proud of you all😁 There is a...
30th Jun 2020
Some highlights from our year together! Wishing you all a safe and wonderful holiday....
29th Jun 2020
Thank you for sending through your 'best bits' from P2/3.  Enjoy looking back...
29th Jun 2020
An excellent end to Term 3.  Well done boys and girls - and parents - for working...