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Howard Primary School & Nursery Unit, Dungannon


2019/2020 School Year

17th Nov 2019
Just a reminder that because of the trip on Thursday snack money for the week is...
15th Nov 2019
Congratulations to the school football team who played six matches in the Mid Ulster...
15th Nov 2019
Congratulations to Emma and Hannah, both girls were presented with the Millionaire...
15th Nov 2019
Rev. Newell spoke to us today in Assembly. He reminded us of the verse John ch 3:16....
15th Nov 2019
We have been spending a lot of time talking about looking after each other and being...
15th Nov 2019
Thank you to everyone who supported the Family Table Quiz in school last night....
15th Nov 2019
The children made a tile from clay. They painted it and glazed it with glue. We...
15th Nov 2019
The children listened to the story of Elmer.  We discussed how he was a good...
13th Nov 2019
P2/3 talked about the theme for Anti-Bullying Week 2019-'Change starts with us.'...
12th Nov 2019
P2/3 really enjoyed travelling by bus to Edendork Primary School.  We worked...