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Howard Primary School & Nursery Unit, Dungannon


2019/2020 School Year

17th Oct 2019
8 boys and 8 girls headed off to Dungannon Park on Wednesday morning to compete...
16th Oct 2019
Mrs Kingston's P2/3 class had a fun morning completing a Numeracy lesson with boys...
15th Oct 2019
14th Oct 2019
School will close for all pupils at 1:45pm from Friday 18th- Thur 24th October....
11th Oct 2019
In numeracy this week P4 have been revising 2D and learning about 3D shapes. We...
11th Oct 2019
This week in literacy P4 have been looking at the story of Rumpelstiltskin and worked...
11th Oct 2019
Today in Assembly Archdeacon Forster spoke to us. He brought along his puppet friends...
10th Oct 2019
The children followed the instructions to play Snakes and Ladders. They had a great...
10th Oct 2019
The children painted their rocks and then decorated them carefully.  They will...
10th Oct 2019
Primary 5 used soft pastels to create a scaly skin effect for their dragon art topic.