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Howard Primary School & Nursery Unit, Dungannon


2019/2020 School Year

9th Oct 2019
Look at our lovely display in the foyer showing all the places around the world...
9th Oct 2019
Mrs McWilliams held a special Assembly today as part of Take 5 week. She spoke to...
8th Oct 2019
Thank you to Mrs Lappin for helping us paint the rocks we brought in. They all look...
8th Oct 2019
Miss Mitchell’ s class were very kind today. Each child and adult were given...
8th Oct 2019
Today we have focused on the TAKE 5 strand of GIVE. We talked about kindness...
7th Oct 2019
What a way to begin the week! To kick start our Mental Health Week staff and pupils...
6th Oct 2019
Remember that tomorrow is our Sponsored Walk day. Wear bright clothing and bring...
4th Oct 2019
We pretended to measure oursleves for a new rugby kit!
4th Oct 2019
During ABL the children do a range of different play activities to encourage their...
4th Oct 2019
The children have started a non-fiction unit on instructions in their literacy  They...