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Howard Primary School & Nursery Unit, Dungannon


2019/2020 School Year

4th Oct 2019
This afternoon P6 and P7 classes attended a workshop with members of Dungannon Silver...
4th Oct 2019
In Assembly  Rev. Dodds spoke to us about what was precious and he reminded...
2nd Oct 2019
We worked hard in our reading groups carrying out our roles and completing our tasks.
2nd Oct 2019
Ten primary seven girls were picked to be ball girls at the under19 football match...
1st Oct 2019
Information was sent home with pupils today. Please return all forms by Thursday...
1st Oct 2019
Please read the attached poster.
1st Oct 2019
Ask us about our WAU investigation♥️
1st Oct 2019
Football Club is cancelled on Thursday.  There will be no Hockey Club next...
1st Oct 2019
We have been looking at different patterns. We have copied and continued patterns...
30th Sep 2019
Congratulations to pupils who have been working hard on Mathletics at home last...