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Howard Primary School & Nursery Unit, Dungannon


2019/2020 School Year

27th Sep 2019
It has been a busy, enjoyable week in P2 & P2/3.  Mrs Hardy and Mrs Kingston...
26th Sep 2019
We know how important it is to keep our school tidy. Thank you to our two P7s who...
26th Sep 2019
Primary seven had an opportunity to learn some Spanish words in class to mark European...
26th Sep 2019
25th Sep 2019
P2/3 have enjoyed studying the Big Book text 'Shark in the Park'.  We learnt...
24th Sep 2019
We were delighted to welcome PC Sue into school to speak to Nursery- Primary 7....
24th Sep 2019
Policewoman Sue came to talk to the P1 boys and girls about staying safe.  She...
24th Sep 2019
Mrs Burrows class and Ms Rowe’s Class had structured play together this morning....
23rd Sep 2019
All remaining school photographs will be taken tomorrow.   
23rd Sep 2019
Please remember that dogs are NOT allowed on school property. Several children in...