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Howard Primary School & Nursery Unit, Dungannon


2018/2019 School Year

13th Mar 2019
We researched our favourite authors and shared it with our peers😀
13th Mar 2019
The children have been really busy constructing their own fire engines. They covered...
13th Mar 2019
Congratulations to the boys Futsal team who came runners up in the Final at Craigavon...
13th Mar 2019
The Nursery children channelled their inner Peppa Pig today and had great fun splashing...
12th Mar 2019
On Monday 11th March 8 school councillors along with Mrs McWilliams and Miss Winslow...
12th Mar 2019
The children have been busy exploring our new topic and learning facts about different...
12th Mar 2019
Nursery have been enjoying going over to the assembly hall and participating in...
12th Mar 2019
The Nursery had fun exploring the Trim Trail for the first time today!
12th Mar 2019
12th Mar 2019
Today we were learning how to sort using a tree diagram. We used chalk to draw tree...