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Howard Primary School & Nursery Unit, Dungannon


2018/2019 School Year

3rd Dec 2018
Have a look at all the fun activities we have beeen getting up to in Play Based...
2nd Dec 2018
If you would like your child to have Christmas Dinner on Thursday, please ensure...
1st Dec 2018
On Saturday morning, some of our choir members sang at the launch of the Rotary...
1st Dec 2018
On Friday, our school choir had the privilege of singing at the launch of the Christmas...
1st Dec 2018
Some more nursery rhyme stars!
1st Dec 2018
Another successful stay and play session! The Nursery children really enjoyed sharing...
1st Dec 2018
We all enjoyed our Bear Hunt and Teddy Bear's Picnic.
1st Dec 2018
The Nursery children have been busy exploring this month's topic and have brought...
1st Dec 2018
Happy Birthday to our boys and girls who are 4 this month.
30th Nov 2018
Mr McIlwaine led Assembly today, Cheryl from Vineyard Church in Dungannon spoke...