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Howard Primary School & Nursery Unit, Dungannon


2018/2019 School Year

22nd Nov 2018
Pupils worked in groups to perform poems as part of our Literacy. We thought about...
22nd Nov 2018
P1R had great fun making puppets last week. They then used the puppets this week...
21st Nov 2018
To celebrate Nursery Rhyme Week the Nursery Children have been focusing on Nursery...
21st Nov 2018
The nursery children continue to enjoy their sessions with Carryl from Jump, Jiggle...
20th Nov 2018
Linking with our food topic in our WAU, as part of our Numeracy we investigated...
19th Nov 2018
We carried out an investigation using coins and dice to help with our understanding...
19th Nov 2018
As part of anti-bullying week, we created posters and displayed them around school....
19th Nov 2018
Guitar lessons will not take place this week. Josh will contact all parents directly....
18th Nov 2018
We investigated the sugar content of various food and drinks using the iPad. We...