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Howard Primary School & Nursery Unit, Dungannon


2018/2019 School Year

5th Oct 2018
Congratulations to the pupils who received star awards for spelling/ sound work....
2nd Oct 2018
Here are some photos of our children and their show and tell items.
2nd Oct 2018
We had a very successful and constructive PTA meeting on Monday 1st October. Mrs...
1st Oct 2018
We collected data from our class based in our favourite Roald Dahl book. We used...
1st Oct 2018
The children are beginning a new topic on instructions during literary time.  They...
1st Oct 2018
Here is a little clip of our Nursery children enjoying our adventures.
1st Oct 2018
At the end of each month we celebrate the children's birthdays. On Friday the children...
1st Oct 2018
The Nursery children enjoyed their first experience in Twiggly Woods. We feasted...
30th Sep 2018
All outstanding envelopes for the school nurse need to be returned tomorrow morning....
28th Sep 2018
We practised our spelling rules for plurals👍🏼