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Howard Primary School & Nursery Unit, Dungannon


2017/2018 School Year

25th May 2018
Day 1 - We arrived safely at our hotel around 6:30pm. We enjoyed the Birds...
24th May 2018
Well done to Poppy in Primary Five. She has worked hard to achieve a gold certificate....
24th May 2018
P4/5 have had a busy week with Mrs Toye’s class from Edendork PS. We worked...
24th May 2018
The primary 3 class have been studying Schools in World Around Us.  We visited...
23rd May 2018
The Nursery children enjoyed a morning with one of our children's daddy who is a...
23rd May 2018
Pupils singing at Armagh City Hotel (Saturday evening) received a note with details....
21st May 2018
P4 really enjoyed dressing up in red, white and blue on Friday 18th May! To celebrate...
21st May 2018
The children had a great day celebrating the wedding of Harry and Meghan.
21st May 2018
Naomi from RVH children’s ward came to the school to accept a cheque from...
20th May 2018
Primary 4/5 had great fun celebrating the royal wedding. We even have our very own...