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Howard Primary School & Nursery Unit, Dungannon


2017/2018 School Year

15th Sep 2017
The Nursery children have been exploring sunflowers and creating sunflower art....
14th Sep 2017
We loved our first session with Paul and showed enthusiasm in each activity. Bring...
14th Sep 2017
We have been learning about common, proper and abstract nouns📚
14th Sep 2017
We are very lucky to be working with Price Waterhouse Coopers on the Hive Hackers...
11th Sep 2017
We used pastels to create self-portraits to link into our All About Me topic.
8th Sep 2017
We wrote magical manifestos and presented them to the class with confidence. Everyone...
8th Sep 2017
As part of the Healthy Kidz programme, we will be completing the Golden Mile in...
8th Sep 2017
As part of PDMU, we have been playing lots of getting to know you games!
7th Sep 2017
We thought of adjectives to describe our personalities, hobbies and interests. We...
7th Sep 2017
Narelle and Connor from PWC started our ICT project with us today. They are helping...