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Howard Primary School & Nursery Unit, Dungannon


2016/2017 School Year

20th Mar 2017
We have been having lots of fun completing Numeracy tasks using the IZAK 9 resource! 
20th Mar 2017
Children enjoyed exploring our winter topic through play.  We also investigated...
20th Mar 2017
P4 enjoyed using the wall bars in school for PE.
20th Mar 2017
We used junk art to create our own models of fire engines.
20th Mar 2017
We have been learning about living things. 
20th Mar 2017
Happy 4th Birthday to Harry, Holly J, Kyle F and Kyle N!
20th Mar 2017
P5 had lots of fun using the wall bars and gymnastics equipment!  
20th Mar 2017
20th Mar 2017
P2 had fun on the climbing bars during PE.
20th Mar 2017
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