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Howard Primary School & Nursery Unit, Dungannon


2021/2022 School Year

29th May 2022
Primary P4/5 enjoyed a trip to the Burnavon Theatre to watch ‘The Mystery...
26th May 2022
If you see us in the corridor or outside, ask us what we know in Mandarin!
26th May 2022
Thank you to Shane from Inspire for all his advice for moving to post-primary.
25th May 2022
We had fun designing our own Eco Villains as part of a competition run by Eco Schools...
23rd May 2022
We know staying active helps us with our physical and mental health😃
23rd May 2022
Linda and Elaine talked to us about bereavement and how we can support our friends.
20th May 2022
Today we got to visit the Wild Woods at An Creagan. We got to climb and explore....
19th May 2022
We carried out an investigation outside which helped us understand our Numeracy👍
19th May 2022
As part of our Eco Schools Biodiversity Project, we received a hedgehog box, bird...
4th May 2022
Action Mental Health came into school to talk to us about looking after our mental...