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Howard Primary School & Nursery Unit, Dungannon


2021/2022 School Year

19th Nov 2021
The theme for anti-bullying week this year is ONE KIND WORD. We thought about how...
18th Nov 2021
This was part of our WAU topic.
17th Nov 2021
Primary seven enjoyed learning more about antibullying through a fun interactive...
15th Nov 2021
We’ve been learning about the properties of polygons! 
15th Nov 2021
Congratulations to Madison and Lexi who have read 500,000 words. Connie and Amy...
15th Nov 2021
To start Anti Bullying Week, staff and pupils wore odd socks to school to celebrate...
15th Nov 2021
Lexi, Poppy and Kenzie attended the Remembrance Day parade in Dungannon.As school...
11th Nov 2021
We played an adjective game to improve our vocabulary.
11th Nov 2021
Meet our new P7 school librarians📚👏 Missing from photo: Noah
5th Nov 2021
Congratulations to Karis, Jacob and Poppy who won certificates for having a positive...