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Howard Primary School & Nursery Unit, Dungannon


2020/2021 School Year

20th Nov 2020
Well done to Finlay who was a great friend to everyone this week in P2.
20th Nov 2020
Our target this week was to learn our Nativity Song.  Alexander was so good...
20th Nov 2020
Some of our recent shining stars in p2/3!🌟😄
20th Nov 2020
We really enjoyed outdoor play!
18th Nov 2020
It is our turn to go on the trim trail this week. We are having fun. We are learning...
18th Nov 2020
Thank you to Finlay and Elsie for being kind in P2. Super work tidying the lunch...
16th Nov 2020
Congratulations to Jack for his star award on being organized.
13th Nov 2020
Benjamin was our star of the week. He has worked really hard at writing letters...