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Howard Primary School & Nursery Unit, Dungannon


2020/2021 School Year

17th Oct 2020
P6/7 had a fantastic morning working with Pat to create houses and bridges. ...
17th Oct 2020
Excellent singing P6/7🌾🎶
16th Oct 2020
Take a look at the lovely spitfires made from clay. We have been learning about...
16th Oct 2020
Congratulations to Jonah for reading 1,671,000 words. a fantastic achievement so...
16th Oct 2020
Congratulations to Aaron Reid for reading over 250,000 words.  
16th Oct 2020
Congratulations to Adam and Lucy who won the award for star of the week. This week’s...
16th Oct 2020
Our target this week was for Working hard recognising lots of key words.  Izzy...