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Howard Primary School & Nursery Unit, Dungannon


2020/2021 School Year

7th Oct 2020
Congratulations to Jaxon for being a good friend.
7th Oct 2020
We all had a fabulous time outside listening for different sounds.  There are...
7th Oct 2020
P2 collected natural materials outside and used them to make sets of numbers. We...
7th Oct 2020
P2 are learning to write uppercase letters. We went outside and made our favourite...
7th Oct 2020
It is so much fun going outside for PE. We can travel around the space in lots of...
7th Oct 2020
P2 are learning all about clothes. We know that we wear different clothes in different...
6th Oct 2020
Primary 5 are learning about data handling this week. We wanted to find out what...
6th Oct 2020
P4 had a lovely afternoon going for an Autumn walk and looking for signs of Autumn....
6th Oct 2020
P6/7 took part in their own ‘walk and talk’ around the school grounds....