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Howard Primary School & Nursery Unit, Dungannon


2020/2021 School Year

23rd Sep 2020
Congratulations to all the primary seven pupils who worked really hard at their...
23rd Sep 2020
Today we visited Twiggy Woods. We had to read our Treasure List and find the items....
23rd Sep 2020
Thank you to Mrs Lappin for helping us with our pastel art today🍑
22nd Sep 2020
We enjoyed using our creativity and powerful vocabulary to write Wanted posters...
21st Sep 2020
Today we wrote some more Cinquain Poems! Have a look and try to work out our pattern!
21st Sep 2020
Congratulations to Denisas who won our award this week.
21st Sep 2020
P6 have been busy preparing a dance for us all. We had lots of fun watching the...
20th Sep 2020
Our focus this week was following instructions! Well done David!
20th Sep 2020
P5/6 have been learning all about space. This week we were learning about the 8...
20th Sep 2020
P4 used their addition skills to solve the answers to a range of sums. They then...