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Howard Primary School & Nursery Unit, Dungannon


2020/2021 School Year

17th Sep 2020
The boys and girls have been learning the story of Little Red Riding Hood. Some...
17th Sep 2020
Poppy showed us her version of our classroom😁 We were so impressed and had lots...
17th Sep 2020
We read the story ‘Hamilton’s Hats’.  Hamilton the pig had...
17th Sep 2020
It is our turn to use the outdoor play toys this week. We had so much fun playing...
17th Sep 2020
P2 are settling back to school really well. We are having fun with our friends....
16th Sep 2020
We had to read the question carefully to work out what maths we needed to apply....
16th Sep 2020
Thank you to Holly for treating us today😀