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Howard Primary School & Nursery Unit, Dungannon


2019/2020 School Year

4th May 2020
Thanks for all the emails, Purple Mash, Mathletics and photos of your work. It's...
4th May 2020
I hope everyone is keeping safe and well at home. I know that some of you have been...
4th May 2020
3rd May 2020
Good morning. Just a few updates... Thank you to those who have made contact...
2nd May 2020
Listen carefully to the story, it will help you with your work this week.
2nd May 2020
Please take time to visit this website. There is very useful information about:...
1st May 2020
Thank you to all the parents for the emails that I’ve received regarding work...
1st May 2020
It has been wonderful reading your emails and catching up on all the activities...
1st May 2020
In P4 we have been Learning about castles. It was planned for pupils to create their...