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Howard Primary School & Nursery Unit, Dungannon


2019/2020 School Year

28th Apr 2020
We have received these from Dungannon Swifts. Each week coaches from DUY come into...
28th Apr 2020
I have really enjoyed seeing all of your wonderful activities that you have...
28th Apr 2020
Miss Sweeney has loved hearing how some of you have been getting on over the last...
28th Apr 2020
28th Apr 2020
My class, please email me your pictures to and we can upload...
27th Apr 2020
Thank you to all of you who have sent me lovely emails already. It was so nice to...
27th Apr 2020
Thank you to all the families who have emailed since we started back to school....
27th Apr 2020
Some of the children have been sharing their activities at home with me.  I...
26th Apr 2020
Good morning! Just a reminder that work for all classes has been added to the...