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Howard Primary School & Nursery Unit, Dungannon


2019/2020 School Year

6th Feb 2020
Hopefully you have all received the costume lists. The list of cast members required...
4th Feb 2020
Reminders: By Friday 7th February everyone should have sent their 3rd installment...
4th Feb 2020
All cast members have received information about costumes home from school today....
31st Jan 2020
Everyone did an excellent job presenting their speeches. We loved hearing all about...
31st Jan 2020
Every Friday after assembly primary seven work in groups to solve numerracy problems...
31st Jan 2020
p7 enjoyed all the Fun and Fitness activities this week. Check out our videos and...
31st Jan 2020
Assembly today involved Rev Hare opening a Hair Salon. Watch the video to learn...
31st Jan 2020
We thought about healthy diets this week as part of fun and fitness. We decided...
31st Jan 2020
P2-3 have been working hard developing their numeracy skills. We have been learning...
30th Jan 2020
This was the last day of shared education for P3.   We went to Edendork and...