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Howard Primary School & Nursery Unit, Dungannon


2019/2020 School Year

8th Nov 2019
In Assembly today we had a Remembrance theme and we learnt about why we wear poppies....
8th Nov 2019
On Wednesday we were delighted to welcome Crown Jesus Ministries back to Howard...
8th Nov 2019
P2/3K have had a lovely week working on Numeracy lessons with our friends from Edendork...
6th Nov 2019
The children planned their mask and then used a paper plate to make it.  They...
4th Nov 2019
Please make sure you return your form by Friday to indicate how many from your family...
27th Oct 2019
We enjoyed making hot chocolate outside on our fire.
25th Oct 2019
Thank you to everyone who took the time to join us for our Harvest Service in St...
25th Oct 2019
P2 enjoyed designing and making spooky lanterns!
25th Oct 2019
We love exploring our new topic “Autumn” with our friends from Edendork.
25th Oct 2019
We loved looking at all the different colours.