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Howard Primary School & Nursery Unit, Dungannon


2019/2020 School Year

23rd Oct 2019
In WAU the children have been studying the senses.  We went around the school...
23rd Oct 2019
We are so excited about our KS2 Bake Off on Thursday 24th October!  Pupils...
22nd Oct 2019
We are working on recognising the features of a newspaper report. We read some articles...
19th Oct 2019
The children have been investigating 3D shapes.  They used plasticine to create...
19th Oct 2019
The children followed instructions to make their own puppet. They look fabulous...
18th Oct 2019
P5 have been estimating and measuring length in metres and centimetres. We are getting...
18th Oct 2019
Special thanks to Calum's Mum for bringing in the Disney cards compliments of Sainsbury's....
18th Oct 2019
Mr McIlwaine led Assembly today. Rev. Thompson spoke to us about Harvest time. He...
18th Oct 2019
The Empower project is a Big Lottery funded initiative through the Reaching Out...
17th Oct 2019
Just a little reminder that school will close for all pupils at 1:45pm from Friday...