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Howard Primary School & Nursery Unit, Dungannon


2019/2020 School Year

23rd Sep 2019
There will be no Book Club after school with Mrs McWilliams this week. Please arrange...
21st Sep 2019
All P6 pupils presented their manifestos and then the class voted for candidates...
21st Sep 2019
Miss Morrow was with us for 2 weeks as part of her preparation for commencing her...
21st Sep 2019
We are learning about Nursery Rhymes, mark making and making friends.
20th Sep 2019
Miss Sommerville and Mrs Benson showed us how to be effective Nursery Helpers. We...
20th Sep 2019
Pupils received a note home on Friday about celebrating European Day of Languages...
20th Sep 2019
All parents are invited to attend the PTA AGM on Wednesday 25th September at 7:30pm....
20th Sep 2019
Matt came to speak to us today. He brought coffee beans and explained to us that...
20th Sep 2019
The Book Fair will take place on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday after school. All...
20th Sep 2019
The photographer will be in school on Monday. All pupils must return the permission...