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Howard Primary School & Nursery Unit, Dungannon


2019/2020 School Year

19th Sep 2019
We enjoyed the sunshine during our hockey lesson this week. We learnt how to tackle...
19th Sep 2019
Our World Around Us topic is the Rugby World Cup. We have used atlases to find the...
18th Sep 2019
We linked our Literacy with World Around Us and found out all about the history...
18th Sep 2019
We designed our own Venn Diagrams and collected data from our classmates. We interpreted...
18th Sep 2019
The class had a “Show and Tell” session today in class. They each spoke...
18th Sep 2019
We are enjoying the 🌞.  We have been playing games, which helps us work...
17th Sep 2019
We played a game to see who could make the largest number. We had to think carefully...
17th Sep 2019
We are working very hard in class. We are learning to hold our pencil correctly...
16th Sep 2019
We had our first school dinner and packed lunch today.  We then got to play...
15th Sep 2019
We've started using the Hive Hackers ICT programme for coding. We had an introduction...