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Howard Primary School & Nursery Unit, Dungannon


2019/2020 School Year

9th Sep 2019
P5-P7 Hockey Club is now full. No further forms will be accepted.  Hockey...
9th Sep 2019
P2/3 had lots of fun in the sunshine getting to know one another and exploring our...
6th Sep 2019
Club information went home on Friday. All P3-P7 pupils received paper copies. Forms...
6th Sep 2019
We made the most of a quick glimpse of sunshine on Friday morning to go outside...
6th Sep 2019
In Assembly today Mrs McWilliams spoke to us about making mistakes and explained...
5th Sep 2019
Everyone enjoyed a morning of hockey with Catherine. Remember to bring your mouth...
3rd Sep 2019
Another copy of the menu.
31st Aug 2019
We are all settling into life in P6.  Thank you to everyone for bringing...
31st Aug 2019
On Friday morning we had our first Assembly of the new school year. Mrs McWilliams...