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Howard Primary School & Nursery Unit, Dungannon


2018/2019 School Year

25th Jun 2019
Pupils who take guitar lessons in school entertained us with a performance during...
25th Jun 2019
Our choir performed at Sainsburys to celebrate bus and train week. Translink were...
25th Jun 2019
The children walked around the park and the lake and then had fun in the playpark....
23rd Jun 2019
Reminders: P7 parents are invited to Prize Day on Wednesday at 9:30am. P7...
21st Jun 2019
Primary seven enjoyed a lovely morning out of school watching Toy story 4 at the...
21st Jun 2019
In Assembly today Archdeacon Forster spoke to us all about saying please and thank...
21st Jun 2019
We have had lots of fun during our 'Pirates' topic learning about explorers from...
21st Jun 2019
The Nursery had a fantastic day on Wednesday at their Graduation. Miss Shannon is...
21st Jun 2019
The Nursery children had a lovely snack with the special men in their lives.
20th Jun 2019
P1-P7 school reports will be available for collection from class teachers when children...