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Howard Primary School & Nursery Unit, Dungannon


2018/2019 School Year

6th Jun 2019
The children have been busy using balances to weigh everyday objects with non-standard...
5th Jun 2019
P6 debated the motion that, "Private cars should be banned and everyone should have...
5th Jun 2019
Sports day went well this year with the pupils having a great morning. A big thank...
5th Jun 2019
Well done to our AR prizewinners. We even had pupils reach 3 million words!
5th Jun 2019
P6/7 are working on 12 hour and 24 hour time. It is a very important life skill...
4th Jun 2019
As part of our transport topic P6 carried out a survey of types of vehicle passing...
3rd Jun 2019
We enjoyed working in a group/with a partner to collect data. This tied in with...
31st May 2019
If you do not hear about your child's school for September... you can contact the...
31st May 2019
Sports Day will take place for P1-P4 pupils on Monday 3rd June at 9:15am, weather...
31st May 2019
In Assembly today Rev. Thompson brought along Garfield to meet everyone. Star Awards...