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Howard Primary School & Nursery Unit, Dungannon


2018/2019 School Year

23rd May 2019
Bags packed, delicious breakfast and coach loaded. Morning break of juice and buns...
22nd May 2019
We are all getting showered and into bed after a very busy day😴 P7 were up...
22nd May 2019
P1 have been practising for Sports Day (hopefully Mon 3rd June @9.15, weather permitting.)...
21st May 2019
A fab day so far in the sun☀️ We enjoyed breakfast in the hotel before making...
18th May 2019
After a very early start from school we travelled to Belfast for the 7:30am ferry...
17th May 2019
Our new topic is Minibeasts and the children have been busy finding out about these...
17th May 2019
Congratulations to Howard A team who won the Outdoor Tri-County tournament. Well...
17th May 2019
Congratulations to everyone and in particular word millionaires!  Missing...
17th May 2019
Congratulations to our Star of the Week winners for super counting skills and excellent...
16th May 2019
Today P4/5 and P5 had a multiplication competition. We were impressed with the quick...