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Howard Primary School & Nursery Unit, Dungannon


2018/2019 School Year

16th May 2019
Foundation Stage came together for more play . They worked together helping each...
15th May 2019
Congratulations to all prize winners! A big thank you to P7 parents of pupils going...
14th May 2019
P1 & P2 joined together for play outside this morning.  They played in...
13th May 2019
We learnt a lot about Dungannon during Victorian times. Everyone enjoyed taking...
13th May 2019
Howard P.S. travelled to Edendork and took part in a workshop where we learnt about...
12th May 2019
All families are asked to return the form about helping at Fun Night. If each familiy...
12th May 2019
Our AR Millionaires and Gold Certificate winners enjoyed a trip to Applejacks to...
10th May 2019
Congratulations to the Star Award winners who received certificates for kindness...
9th May 2019
Well done! Keep up the great reading 😊
9th May 2019
P1 had a great day at Parkanaur. We walked through the forest looking for the characters...