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Howard Primary School & Nursery Unit, Dungannon


2018/2019 School Year

8th May 2019
P2 were very busy working with Numicon during our Numeracy lesson today.  The...
6th May 2019
Our school choir were very kindly invited to sing at Sperrinview School. We had...
3rd May 2019
Well done to all the P6 and P6/7 pupils who showed great creativity in designing...
3rd May 2019
In Assembly today Cheryl spoke to us about the story behind Jelly Babies. We had...
3rd May 2019
All P7 York pupils must return the permission/medical/code of conduct forms to their...
1st May 2019
P2 really enjoyed playtime outside in the lovely weather.
1st May 2019
P7 will once again be selling tickets for their school trip hampers. There are at...
30th Apr 2019
The boys and girls in p7 used connecting cubes to help with problem solving tasks....
30th Apr 2019
AQE Club will take place after school today until 3:45pm.