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Howard Primary School & Nursery Unit, Dungannon


2018/2019 School Year

8th Feb 2019
We re-created ‘Surprised!’ using pastels. Super Art work everyone!
8th Feb 2019
In Assembly today we were delighted to welcome Rev. Newell to join us for the first...
6th Feb 2019
Congratulations and well done to all the pupils who represented Howard PS at the...
6th Feb 2019
P6 pupils discussed the Safer Internet Day questions about using the Internet. Then...
6th Feb 2019
As part of WAU P6 enjoyed dissecting tulips to identify the parts of a flower. Hands...
5th Feb 2019
We used bar modelling to help us solve problems linked to fractions. Working as...
3rd Feb 2019
Well done to the group of pupils who have read 250,000 and 500,000 words. Hannah...
3rd Feb 2019
P4/5 had great fun working at different stations in PE. Thank you to Coach John...