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Howard Primary School & Nursery Unit, Dungannon


2018/2019 School Year

21st Jan 2019
We played snap to help us learn our decimal fraction equivalents!
20th Jan 2019
We had two special visitors to assembly this week, Abby’s mum and Demi’s...
20th Jan 2019
In assembly, Rev Haire spoke to the pupils about how it was important to be kind...
20th Jan 2019
Well done to the pupils who have now read 250,000 and 500,000 words this year. Hannah...
18th Jan 2019
We performed play scripts and had to think carefully about actions, eye contact...
17th Jan 2019
We used our research homework to write a non-chronological report on a rainforest...
15th Jan 2019
Primary seven are learning to use 'Scratch' to improve their understanding of computer...
15th Jan 2019
Primary seven have started to learn French with the help of Mrs Clarke.
14th Jan 2019
The PTA meeting for tonight has been postponed.   
14th Jan 2019
All P6 and P7 pupils will receive Hockey coaching in school on Tuesday mornings....