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Howard Primary School & Nursery Unit, Dungannon


2018/2019 School Year

10th Dec 2018
Chanter lessons continue in school each week. Pupils in Howard PS have so many wonderful...
10th Dec 2018
On Friday morning Rev. Dodds spoke to us about presents and how Jesus was the most...
10th Dec 2018
The children have been studying the story in literacy. They had to perform a puppet...
10th Dec 2018
The children are looking forward to performing this week for the school and parents....
10th Dec 2018
Primary seven enjoyed a brilliant day learning about World War Two. They played...
9th Dec 2018
Thank you to everyone who made our Open Evening last Tuesday a success. Thank you...
9th Dec 2018
A great evening was had by everyone who attended the P4-P7 disco. Thank you to everyone...
7th Dec 2018
On Thursday evening P4-P7 returned to school for a Christmas Disco. The pupils enjoyed...
7th Dec 2018
P1R have had lots of fun in Learning through Play yesterday and today to create...