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Howard Primary School & Nursery Unit, Dungannon


2018/2019 School Year

6th Dec 2018
Its starting to look a lot like Christmas in Nursery this week! Our Santa and his...
6th Dec 2018
Christmas Concerts are next Wed and Thur for P1-P4. It will be strictly admission...
5th Dec 2018
Thank you to all the pupils in P6/7 for speaking so well in assembly. You all did...
4th Dec 2018
Thanks to all the pupils who helped at Open Night and at the Carol Service today....
4th Dec 2018
The children developed their understanding of exchanging units for tens by playing...
3rd Dec 2018
P5 worked with Edendork looking at Internet Safety. They worked collaboratively...
3rd Dec 2018
We have been having great fun making snowmen during Play Based Learning! 
3rd Dec 2018
During our topic of ‘Food’, we have been learning about different types...