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Howard Primary School & Nursery Unit, Dungannon


2018/2019 School Year

11th Oct 2018
P6 pupils enjoyed blowing bubbles as part of their relaxation session as a follow...
11th Oct 2018
On Monday we head to Twiggly Woods for our Autumn Adventure and Autumn Snack. Don't...
11th Oct 2018
Today some of the Nursery children helped to decorate our Feelings stones for our...
11th Oct 2018
The Nursery children enjoyed sharing their story books with each other. Thank you...
10th Oct 2018
All photo orders must be with Mrs Hudson by Tuesday. If you have sent an order with...
10th Oct 2018
As part of our orange theme the Nursery children decorated their own biscuit.
10th Oct 2018
Congratulations to all the members of the HPS Cross Country Team that competed in...
10th Oct 2018
This week is coding week! Pupils are having the opportunity to use the computers,...
10th Oct 2018
P6 and P6/7 enjoyed time outside looking at the leaves. The children were challenged...
10th Oct 2018
We had a special assembly today for World Mental Health Day. Mrs McWilliams spoke...