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Howard Primary School & Nursery Unit, Dungannon


2017/2018 School Year

12th Jun 2018
During numeracy week, P4 participated in a range of active learning based around...
11th Jun 2018
Everyone had fun participating in our KS2 Sports Day. Pupils took part in an obstacle...
11th Jun 2018
10th Jun 2018
All pupils spent time this week engaging in a variety of different numeracy activities....
10th Jun 2018
P4/5 had great fun completing a numeracy trail on Friday afternoon. The pupils worked...
10th Jun 2018
The children had to use the balances to measure different items using non- standard...
8th Jun 2018
Thank you to the kind person who restored 3 of our summer seats. It's great to see...
8th Jun 2018
P5-P7 will have Sports Day on Monday from 10am at Dungannon Swifts. Pupils must...
8th Jun 2018
Congratulations to all the winners! Rev. Webster presented the certificates in Assembly.