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Howard Primary School & Nursery Unit, Dungannon


2017/2018 School Year

8th Jun 2018
Joshua and Charles celebrated their Birthdays on Thursday. Thanks to Joshua's Mum...
8th Jun 2018
Mr Willis from Royal School Dungannon came to speak to Primary 6 about the opportunities...
8th Jun 2018
P6 have been learning about money this week. The children have been converting...
8th Jun 2018
Congratulations to Molly who was presented with the award by Professor Woodside in...
6th Jun 2018
Primary 4/5 were working hard today to estimate the capacity of different containers....
6th Jun 2018
Our school choir was asked to sing at Beechvalley bus station as part of ‘bus...
6th Jun 2018
Thank you to Mrs Hewitt for bringing her beautiful Pug Norah in to meet Mrs Hardy’s...