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Howard Primary School & Nursery Unit, Dungannon


2022/2023 School Year

20th Jun 2023
Congratulations to our prize winners at Key Stage Two Sports Day! 
20th Jun 2023
Key Stage Two pupils greatly enjoyed their sports day- despite the heat! 
13th Jun 2023
P1 and P2 pupils enjoyed a brilliant morning of fun and races for our annual Sports...
12th Jun 2023
We had a lovely morning for our Sports Day. We had lots of fun taking part in all...
8th Jun 2023
P2 loved using the climbing wall bars during PE to develop our movement skills.
8th Jun 2023
P2 enjoyed a wonderful trip to Parkanaur with our Shared Education partners Edendork...
7th Jun 2023
Congratulations to Daniel from P6 who represented HPS at a JUDO competition in Dublin....
26th May 2023
In WAU we have been learning about life Under the Sea. We then complete fun activities...
17th May 2023
The team from BEAM have been in school, working with the P7 girls and boys on their...
16th May 2023
Today P1 had a great time on a bear hunt in Parkanaur with our friends from Edendork!...