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Howard Primary School & Nursery Unit, Dungannon


2017/2018 School Year

14th Feb 2018
After our Fitness Fun we made some red fruit and vegetable skewers. 
14th Feb 2018
We walked over and back to our Primary School. We held our friend's hand and walked...
14th Feb 2018
Everyone enjoyed the Fitness Fun Session with Coach Gavin and Coach Orla. 
14th Feb 2018
In pairs we pretended to be living during the famine in Ireland. Each parent had...
14th Feb 2018
We all had a thorough workout session today! Thank you for your sponsorship. As...
14th Feb 2018
Linked to our topic of the Famine P7 have been learning about emigration to America...
14th Feb 2018
Primary seven learnt the secret recipe that Mr McIlwaine uses to make pancakes....
14th Feb 2018
P6 had their sponsored sports session today with Gavin and Orla. The pupils...
14th Feb 2018
The children worked at balance, strength, agility, speed and stamina as they completed...