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Howard Primary School & Nursery Unit, Dungannon


2017/2018 School Year

14th Feb 2018
P2/3 enjoyed getting active during our special fun and fitness fundraising day....
14th Feb 2018
P2/3 have been busy learning about hospitals now and long ago.  We found out...
13th Feb 2018
We had lots of fun making pancakes but even more fun eating them.
13th Feb 2018
P4 made their own pancakes today for snack. Unfortunately we were so busy making...
12th Feb 2018
The nursery children have enjoyed playing outside in the snow.
12th Feb 2018
P6 created their own Viking and then used ChatterPix to bring the Viking to life...
12th Feb 2018
Last week during e-safety lessons all Key Stage 2 pupils completed a piece of the...
12th Feb 2018
Our new topic is angles. We had a revision session on what we could remember and...
12th Feb 2018
12th Feb 2018
There will be no hockey during school for P6 or P6/7. Pupils should wear normal...