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Howard Primary School & Nursery Unit, Dungannon


2017/2018 School Year

19th Jan 2018
Primary 7 made the most of the snow. We made a snow Totem Pole and then had a snow...
19th Jan 2018
School will be closing at 1:30pm. Pupils may be collected anytime before then. There...
17th Jan 2018
P6 are learning about fractions. Ask us about numerators, denominators, improper...
17th Jan 2018
P6 made use of the snow today. They created a few snowmen and made sure that the...
17th Jan 2018
Football is cancelled tomorrow afternoon. Please ensure that your child knows the...
17th Jan 2018
17th Jan 2018
The children all presented a talk on How a snake sheds its skin. Some children worked...
17th Jan 2018
The children created their own posters for our toys topic on pic-collage.