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Howard Primary School & Nursery Unit, Dungannon


2017/2018 School Year

30th Dec 2017
Details of when pupils are required to attend for rehearsals will be posted on the...
30th Dec 2017
We were delighted to see the Burkes and to hear about life in New Zealand. 
30th Dec 2017
We are delighted with how our decorations turned out. We had to concentrate carefully...
23rd Dec 2017
Our school choir have been very busy over this festive period. We have enjoyed singing...
23rd Dec 2017
P4/5 were celebrating by wearing our Christmas jumpers. We enjoyed seeing the many...
21st Dec 2017
P4 have been learning about place value in hundreds, tens and units numbers. We...
21st Dec 2017
P4 have been learning about World War 2 this term and enjoyed a special treat when...
21st Dec 2017
Mrs West's P3 pupils and Mrs McAllister's P4 pupils enjoyed a few Christmas party...
21st Dec 2017
Over the past 6 weeks, Judith from the IFA has been working with Mrs McAllister's...